By Annelisa Zaccheria and Franco Visioli

Workshop and performance based on the concept of Franco Visioli and Annelisa Zaccheria. Algorithm is a word that many associate with computer science and mathematics. But much of our daily life can be compared to an algorithm. How to prepare the pot to make the coffee or even the sequence of actions to do the laundry, the instructions to assemble a piece of furniture, road maps, or even a recipe. The word algorithm is a starting point from which to reflect upon our daily habits and our approach to things. Can we deconstruct them? During the workshop we will draw inspiration from the various thoughts about the algorithm to experiment with new identities, with different relations and the possibility of perceiving, interpreting and experiencing a physical space or soundscape, time, stories and community.

On stage at Venice Arsenale, Teatro alle Tese on August 5, 2019.

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