Music: Stewart Copeland
Libretto: Jonathan Moore
Creative Partner: Chrissie Hynde
Director: Manfred Schweigkofler
Conductor: Eimear Noone
Video Scenography: Edvige Faini
Choreography: Valentina Versino
Stage design: Alice Vanini Tomola
Light Design: Emiliano Pascucci
Assistant Director: Franz Braun
Costumes: Klement Mihali & Anna Grignani

Photo by Susy Mezzanotte & Paolo Camillo Sacchi
" From the genius of Stewart Copeland and with the voice of Irene Grandi,
the most spectacular Rock Opera with immersive video scenography.
World premiere in exclusive at Tones Teatro Natura. "

Isabetta: Irene Grandi
Nele: Veronica Granatiero
Teresa: Valentina Versino
Manzinetta: Maddalena Calderoni
Inquisitor Buelli: Ettore Agati
Bishop Bascapè: Gabriele Nani

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